Saturday, October 7, 2017

Connor Turns 11

Connor's favorite day of the year -- his birthday! -- arrived in early May. He loves discussing and planning for his special day, but in the end, it's usually a low-key event for us. I made sure to get some birthday cuddles when he first woke up in the morning, and then I forced Connor to put on the dreaded collared shirt for his official 11-year photos.

Don't worry. I let him change his clothes for school that day, ha! Later that night, I surprised Connor with a special birthday treat of chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes, yummy! They were amazing and super rich, even for Connor. He also opened some small gifts we had for him.

One cool thing about Connor's birthday this year was that Jeff was able to be the Watch Dog Dad that day, which made the day extra special for both kiddos. I never know whether the kids or the Dad has more fun during those days!

The day after Connor's birthday, I went to school with the kids so that I could take them to the book fair. I had another motive for going, too. Connor's 5th grade classroom was leading the school announcements each morning, with Connor being one of the leaders next to his classmate Addi. I wanted to make sure I caught him in action leading the video announcements. He seemed very relaxed and in charge, completely in his element!

Later that same day, I had to take Connor out of school for the dreaded 11-year well check at the pediatrician. Why "dreaded" you ask? Well, from the time the kids had their last set of shots at age 4, they have been counting down to this year. They've always known that their next set of shots would be at age 11, and for Connor, the time had finally arrived. Thankfully he's matured since then and handled the shots like a champ. It sure was fun to give him a hard time about it, though!

Connor didn't ask for much for his 11th birthday; just a cookie cake and some time with friends. But since May is a busy month, we had to work around multiple conflicts in order to finally find a date that worked for a couple of his buddies. The cookie cake was a success, along with a special visit to Altitude followed by more birthday treats. Nothing big, but just the right kind of celebration for Connor.

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