Sunday, March 14, 2010

9 Months

Our little lady (as Connor calls her, ha!) is 9 months old today! Can you believe it? Often I think back to those days when she was a newborn. The days and nights seemed so long and I thought I'd never get through it. But here we are, 9 months later, and the days have just flown by. I always said I wanted a "Pause" button with Connor so that I could slow things down a bit, and I've definitely been wishing for that same button with Kaitlynn too.

When I wrote Kaitlynn's 8 month update, I remember thinking that there wasn't much new that she was doing at the time. But what a difference a month makes, because all of a sudden she has many new tricks.

  • She has 4 teeth coming in on the top, all at the same time.

  • She says "bah bah bah bah" all the time.

  • She started crawling last week. I can set an object across the rug and she'll crawl for it every time.

  • She can push herself up into a sitting position. She has gotten so good at this trick that she tends to do it in the middle of the night and then cries out because she apparently doesn't know how to lie back down!

  • She can now feed herself with little pieces of food, and she LOVES it. I think it makes her feel independent, ha!

  • She is a great napper during the day -- as long as we are at home. She'll nap from 9-11 and then again from 1:30-4 pm. But since we usually have activities or errands during the day, she often misses her naptime window which causes her to fight sleep big time.

  • She is waving all the time these days. If anyone says "hi" to her she will stick out her hand and wave, although she waves with her hand facing herself!

I tell her all the time that she is "Mommy's sweet girl" but I think it's pretty clear who's girl she really is...

Look at this sweet baby. She actually looks like she's posing here.

Here is a video of Kaitlynn pushing herself back to sitting and then waving.

Last but not least, here is Kaitlynn crawling. The TV remote is a great incentive for her to crawl since she never gets to play with it!


  1. OMG, she is so darn cute and getting so darn big! 9 months! It seems just like yesterday we were checking your blog for updates from Jeff when you were in labor.

    I have always thought 3,6,9,12 and 18 months are HUGE developmental milestones months. It seems like every 3 months they learn so much and do so much more.

    Too fun that she is crawling...hold on mommy, your days are about to be more fun than ever keeping up with that busy little one.

  2. In our house, Kaitlynn is referred to as "Special K," and we are so excited about our upcoming visit with her and her mommy! Can't wait to have sweet baby girl scooting around our house. I should put some old shirts on her and Alex and let them do a little floor polishing! Entertainment and house chores all in one. That's what I'm talking about!

    I love, love, love the wave! I expect the full show! =)

  3. I can't believe that Kaitlynn is 9 months already! Wow. I love the wave - so cute! She is such a big girl, and especially in pictures, she reminds me so much of Connor when he was a baby. There are differences too, but I definitely see similarities in pictures. I'm so glad that you are taking us along for the ride..... We love sharing in and seeing updates.

  4. Oh my goodness. Could she be any stinking cuter? I cannot believe how much she is doing. I am SO super jealous of your visit to Amanda and Alex. I hope you guys have tons to fun. Take lots of pictures.
