Saturday, July 10, 2010

Because Kids Live Here

Because kids live here, you might find a piece of artwork in the printer.

Or other masterpieces on the knee level.

Or maybe some stacks of folded clean laundry, just waiting (and waiting and waiting) to be put away.

Because kids live here, you might also find a bottle drying station next to the kitchen sink.

Or a Buzz Lightyear on your nightstand.

It's because kids live here that you may come across some random markers sitting on a piece of chair molding.

Or a sleepy bear all tucked in for a nap on the stairs.

Yep, you just never know what you might find, because kids live here!


  1. And, lots of love and laughter because "kids live here"! =)

  2. Now that is a sweet post. I know you wouldn't have it any other way.

  3. I must say your house looks mighty tighty even with kids living there! Very cute post. BTW, we have the same granite in the kitchen as you do! :)

  4. I loved all of those pictures. Sometimes I think how I wish we didn't have so much kid clutter but I know one day we will surely be missing it when our kids are all grown up. Love the teddy bear under the blanket. :-)

  5. how sweet. love the little kiddo messes
