Thursday, September 17, 2009

Conversations with Connor

It's funny, when your child is a baby you just long for the day when he begins to learn words and communicate verbally. But then it seems to come back to haunt you when that same child talks incessantly about anything, everything, and nothing. Yes, my sweet Connor is a talker. When the mood strikes, he just doesn't know how to stop. To me, to strangers, to his friends, to his toys, you name it. More than once a day it seems I ask (OK, demand) that he take a break from talking because Mommy needs some quiet time. Unfortunately (or maybe inevitably) that leads to even more talking.

Admittedly there are many moments of hilarity around here with Connor's verbal expressions. The other day I was rushing Connor out of the car and urged him to hurry several times. I kept telling him over and over, "Hurry, Connor, come on!" Finally he said in his most exasperated voice, "Arrrr, OK! You're so frustrating!"

He has also recently become the language police in our household. Don't dare utter the expressions "Oh my God," "Oh my Lord," "Oh my Gosh," or especially the word "stupid" because he will admonish you strongly by declaring, "Don't say that! That makes God very sad."

The other day Connor noticed as I was nursing Kaitlynn. He asked what I was doing and I said I was feeding the baby. He was very interested since he usually sees her eating from a bottle. The following day, Connor had his usual breakfast of cereal and orange juice. He then went over to check on Kaitlynn who was lying on the couch. The next thing I knew, Connor had lifted up his shirt and was leaning over Kaitlynn while pushing his belly towards her face. I asked him what he was doing and he replied, "I'm feeding Kaitlynn some orange juice." I was very confused until I remembered that he had seen me nursing her. So I suppose he figured he would "nurse" her with some orange juice from his breakfast.

Another time, Connor was watching his favorite Wiggles DVD. At the end of the movie, they show the credits with images of all the Wiggles characters and dancers. I was busy putting away the laundry while Connor watched the movie, but at some point I heard him saying something so I came back to see what was up. He was intently watching the screen while saying, "Hottie." Pause. "Hottie." Pause. "Hottie." etc. I looked up and saw that he was watching the images of the pretty Wiggles dancers flashing on the screen during the credits. Apparently he thinks they are all hotties. Like father like son I guess.

Lately he has been very insistent when trying to get Mom or Dad's attention. He will call us over and over (and over) until we answer. It goes something like this: "Mom. Mom. Mom? Mommy? Moooom! Mooooom? Mommy! Mama! Mom! Mom??!!!!!" Until I reach my breaking point and yell, "WHAT???!!" And this happens all day long, every time he wants my attention. Which is often. So the other day I got so frustrated with him saying "Mom" that I told him not to use that word anymore. "Don't say Mom anymore!" I said out of frustration. He thought for a minute about that and then said with some uncertainty... "Lauri?"

Now how could I NOT laugh about that?


  1. LOL! It is most interesting how we just die to hear them utter their first words... then there is the never-ending chatter. LOL. Incessant talking and questioning can be very trying! LOL! Quite clever to switch to variations of Mom to Lauri!

  2. brings back memories! my mom keeps a book for each of her grandchildren of funny/unusual/original things they say. there are fewer now that the girls are older, although on the way to school the other day we passed an ice cream truck and abby wanted to "hitch-hike" the truck. we all got a good laugh out of that one....

  3. Oh girl I feel your pain! That is too funny! Why they feel the need to constantly be talking is beyond me! That is so cute that he wanted to nurse Katilynn with his oj, how thoughtful! And the "LAURI" was very smart in finding a way to get your attention! He is just like his daddy isn't he...hottie! Too funny! I have heard the "arrr, I'm SO frustrated" many times! Poor guys! :)You are doing an awesome job, it's not easy I know!

  4. This post made me laugh out loud! Right now I'm thinking, oh I can't wait until I get to have these conversations with Jackson. But I know I'll be losing my mind when he does start talking so much! One day you will look back on this post and just smile so big!

  5. These stories are hilarious! My favorite is feeding Kaitlynn the OJ. That is a riot. Just goes to show how much he loves his little sister - he didn't want her to go without some breakfast, too! We should have known he was going to be a smart little whipper snapper. He comes by that naturally. =) Hang in there, girl. You're doing GREAT!

  6. I promise to resist the urge to Mother, like son!!!! Very funny commentary on the life of a Mother with a toddler! Laughter will get you through EVEN the hardest of ....keep on laughing!!! Love, MOM
