Friday, May 7, 2010

All done!

Kaitlynn decided to show you one of her new tricks. She likes to say "All done!" after mealtimes, and when she says it she means it. If I try to give her another bite, she'll throw it or spit it right back at me. (We're working on that.)


  1. She seems so proud of herself!!

  2. That is just too stinkin' cute. I'm so impressed with how clearly she says it! You go Special K! Your Aunt Amanda is so proud of you!

    I've been teaching Alex to sign "all done," and he's doing pretty good at it. Mostly he does it when you're changing his diaper or getting him dressed and he wants no part of it. "ALL DONE!!!" he signs. As if to say, "I don't want to do this!" HA!

  3. Go Kaitlynn! That is great. She has the sweetest little voice. She is growing up so fast. And I'm impressed you got that on video, good timing! :)

  4. Wow - good job! She was so excited to tell you that she was all done. And I'm impressed with her skills with the sippy cup. She's getting so big. Can't wait to see her walking.
