Monday, June 1, 2020

Quarantine, Courtright Edition

As Covid-19 struck, folks everywhere found themselves stuck in quarantine and wondering how in the world to pass the time. In additional to online learning and incessant screen time, it went a little something like this in the Courtright house.

1. Fort-building and mess-making.

2. Working out in the garage with Dad.

3. Sending and receiving old-fashioned snail mail and crafts with friends.

4. Knocking down the out-of-control spider webs and nests for Mom.

5. Completing regular chores, teenager-style (who sits down to vacuum??)

6. Cooking and preparing countless meals.

7. Indoor rollerskating in the garage.

8. Taking long bike rides with Dad followed by roadside picnics.

9. Going on a field trip to Whataburger with Mom for lunch, to-go style.

10. Taking multiple grocery store runs where you may or may not hit the lottery on the hard-to-find items.

11. Playing board games. Or should I say, bored games?

12. Choreographed ball-handling and skill-building.

13. Device decorating.

14. Learning new skills like lawn-mowing (finally!)


15. Partaking in celebratory parades.

Not pictured is how I've spent most of my days in the home office, working away and paying little attention to what the kids have been learning (or not) or even how much time they are spending on screens of all kinds (countless hours, As I've said throughout this entire unprecedented quarantine situation, we are all just doing the best we can!

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