Monday, June 8, 2020

Jeff's Birthday on Easter Sunday

Every so often, Jeff's birthday on April 12 manages to fall on Easter Sunday. This year, those special events were both totally different but we managed the best we could. On Easter morning, the kids and Jeff were greeted with some treats served amidst some birthday gifts and cake for Jeff.

Upon Jeff's request, I made him a double-layer chocolate birthday cake decorated with Oreos. Unfortunately my baking skills were quite rusty and the cake completely fell apart when I iced it the day before. I was hoping it would hold together overnight before we served it for his birthday lunch.

One of Jeff's birthday traditions is a quick check of his physical fitness. On this year, his 57th birthday, he wanted to make sure he could complete his annual push-up challenge. 57 push-ups on his 57th birthday. Could he do it?? The kids and I were an eager and enthusiastic audience.

Spoiler alert: he did it! He started off saying there was no way he could do the 57 push-ups, but he ended up making them look super easy. Nice!

For Jeff's birthday lunch, he wanted to grill ribeye steaks. I prepared baked potatoes and salad, and Jeff was a happy camper for his favorite meal of all-time. The kids and I always joke that Jeff gets a "steak high" when he's enjoying this meal, because he's always in such high spirits and almost giddy with joy. Jeff says that this may or may not have something to do with his few beers that he enjoys while grilling. Ha!

After our yummy lunch, it was time for cake and ice cream. As feared, the under-baked chocolate cake fell over -- quite literally fell onto Jeff's hands as he removed the plastic cover. Oops! Oh well, they all said it tasted delicious and that's what matters, right?

As we let our cake and ice cream settle, Jeff and I set up a quick indoor Easter egg hunt for the kids. Jeff is always so good at finding the best places. It took the kids much longer than expected to find their 6 eggs each. Connor was a little cocky when he found his M&M-filled egg and managed to drop it, spilling candy everywhere!

For our last birthday activity, it was time for Jeff to open his gifts. He has this habit of guessing - usually correctly - his gifts before he unwraps them. But for his last gift, Kaitlynn had set up a scavenger hunt with his favorite treats along the way. At the end, his final present would be revealed.

And he found it! Tucked away in big boxes upstairs in our messy guest room, Jeff managed to find and unbox his birthday gift - 2 oversized floating cushions for our not-yet-completed pool. I thought these were the perfect gift for him and could totally picture him floating in the pool with his Michelob Ultra in hand. We were all ready and excited to use them!

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