Thursday, June 25, 2020

Finally, Pool Time!

The last step of the pool construction was getting the interior plaster coated into the pool. Once that step happens, we could begin filling the pool with water. Due to the Covid-19 situation, the crew schedules were delayed and we had to wait a bit longer. Finally, on one morning in late April, the plaster crew arrived bright and early to begin the work. I was excited for the kids to see them outside, and Connor delivered a happy reaction when he noticed. Hooray for plaster!!

When the crew was finished, the water hose was dropped in and the waiting game began. The pool builder estimated that it would take 24 hours to fill, and he was only 1 hour shy. It was so fun to watch the progress throughout the day and night.

By late afternoon the next day, the pool was completely filled although the color was a bit off. It wasn't officially "ready" with the chemicals, fountains, etc. but that didn't stop the kids (and Jeff), who had been anxiously awaiting their inaugural jump just like we had done years before at our previous Katy house.

The water was COLD! But the kids continued to swim in their new pool for the very first time. So exciting!

Considering the number of new chores created by pool ownership as well as the endless yard work and landscaping projects we were dreaming up, the work for Jeff - or El Jefe as we call him sometimes - was just beginning!

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