Thursday, April 5, 2012

Potty Troubles

* Yet another TMI post about potty experiences, written solely for the purpose to remember (and hopefully laugh about it later?!)

Just when I thought the worst was over with potty training, Kaitlynn began regressing in a major way. She got so good at "holding it" and avoiding accidents that she actually began holding it a little too much. She was so terrified of pooping (from her painful experience a few weeks ago) that she proceeded to hold it for days and even weeks. I've discovered that there is actually a name for this condition: encopresis, which occurs when a child resists having bowel movements and causes impacted stool to collect in the colon and rectum.

After days and days of no movements, Kaitlynn was extremely uncomfortable but still wouldn't poop. We started her on Miralax to get things moving and tried everything else we could think of: bribes, threats, scheduled potty times, treats, medicines, you name it. Jeff even set up an entertainment station at the toilet to encourage her to go. It was amusing to watch but didn't really help.

The doctor prescribed milk of magnesia and at-home enemas. UGH. Those things all helped but only a little.

We ended up back at the doctor and he sent us on to the hospital (ER) to check for a bowel obstruction. We went to Texas Children's Hospital and Kaitlynn was immediately checked in and given crayons and her own remote control for TV and movies.

The nurse even brought her snacks. I'm pretty sure Kaitlynn thought she was on vacation.

They performed x-rays and Kaitlynn did great. She stood perfectly still which I couldn't believe.

Technically Kaitlynn wasn't obstructed but she was still full of impacted stool. They then gave her a "soap-suds enema" which is exactly what it sounds like: an enema with warm soapy water used to soften and loosen impacted stool. She was a trooper throughout the whole ordeal.

So now we're back home and she's back to normal, meaning that she is still terrified to go #2. She is on an increased dosage of Miralax and we now have scheduled poop times after meals. We have to force her to sit on the potty and she still resists with all her might. I know of many kids that have encopresis and it usually is a LONG, frustrating journey.

Who knew pooping could become such an ordeal? Good times.


  1. So sorry, Lauri. I hope things go easier for Kaitlynn soon!!!!

  2. Poor sweet baby girl! I have heard of people having these issues and Jackson definitely held it in some at the beginning of potty training. It was so frustrating. I cannot even begin to imagine how frustrating this must be for all of you, especially her. I hope things take a turn for the better very soon. Keep us posted.

  3. Poor little K. Oh I hope she gets over her fear soon! That's just awful!

  4. Oh Lauri! I hope it doesn't last long with her! Praying she gets over the fear soon!
