Saturday, February 25, 2012

My Shortcomings as a Stay-at-Home Mom

I knew from the beginning that I'm not quite cut out for this stay-at-home Mom stuff. There have been many clues along the way. Here is a recent example: potty-training. It is just not a skill on my Mommy resume.

Connor was successfully potty-trained right when he turned 3. But I cannot take credit for that. He was a daycare kid. The daycare handled much of that affair.

So now that I'm home with Kaitlynn, we just aren't having much success. I've tried several tactics but she's having none of it. The other day I bribed her with cartoons and suckers, and she happily obliged to sit on the potty in the middle of the living room.

I thought, "Hmmm, maybe we're on to something!"

Within minutes, we had a BIG success! Woohoo! Kaitlynn was rewarded with a sucker and stickers for her potty chart.

Ah yes, the potty chart. This brings me back to my shortcomings as a stay-at-home Mom. See, stay-at-home Moms tend to do crafty things like that. If you browse Pinterest, you'll find all kinds of cool stay-at-home Mom tricks like potty charts. Here are a few cool examples:

If I were a 2-year-old, I would definitely want to be potty-trained so I could put cool stickers and stamps on those nifty charts.

And now we come to the heart of my stay-at-home Mom dilemma. Here is proof that I'm no good at this job:

Kaitlynn's sad excuse of a potty chart.

No wonder Kaitlynn isn't potty-trained yet. I should probably update my resume. ;-)


  1. Hahahaha! Guess what - Jackson's potty chart looked about the same. I got a piece of paper wrote his name at the top and drew 10 squares on it. He got to put a sticker in the square when he went potty. When he got 10 he got a treat. And then I'd turn it over and do the same on the back. So don't worry, you're not the only one who is stay-at-home mom challenged. :-)

    I'm SO thankful that your dad is home and is recovering. It is a reminder of just how precious life really is. The picture of your parents is beautiful and definitely needs to be framed. Please keep us posted on your dad's progress.


  2. At least you've got a sticker chart. I've just been trying to make a go of it without any incentive. I use "make a go of it" lightly. I'm still not mentally prepared for this whole potty-training gig. Ugh! NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS!!!

  3. I am laughing out loud! I have a confession... your potty chart is more than I've done for the 3 kids I've potty trained so far! Maybe I'll make a chart for Lacy when she's ready to potty train. It will probably look a lot like your chart! AND... you are a great stay-at-home mom! Those fancy charts are probably just trying to make up for shortcomings elsewhere you know... :)
