Friday, October 7, 2011

Before and After



My dear sweet Mother would like it duly noted that she warned me of something like this happening after my previous post with pictures of Kaitlynn feeding the ducks from our backyard dock last week. I think her exact words were, "Mother Knows Best!" Ha!

Here's another "After" picture:

In my heroic efforts to pull Kaitlynn from the lake after she fell in, I managed to badly injure my toe. I initially thought it was broken but maybe it's just severely sprained. Never mind that the water is only about 2 feet deep under the dock and that Kaitlynn would've been just fine on her own. I guess I was just trying to prove my motherly awesomeness by jumping in after her. In flip flops. Next time I think I'll just let Kaitlynn figure it out on her own.


  1. Janie (MeMe....Mom)October 7, 2011 at 8:38 AM

    I enjoyed this post.....and am going to resist the urge to say....."I told you so!"!!!! I'm happy to know that the water is pretty shallow at the dock! Hope your toe is feeling better!
    PS. Dad and I are wondering if your new camera takes very flattering pictures (if need to snap lots of us while you are here next weekend...HA!) or if Miss K is getting much taller/slimmer like her big brother did????

  2. Oh my gosh! This made me laugh so hard. Glad she wasn't actually hurt!

  3. Oh my goodness- what a morning you guys had! What a mess! Poor baby girl and poor mommy's toe! Ouch! MeMe knows best, doesn't she? When do our moms get to quite being right?? haha!

    And how cute is her outfit and her little black shoes. Love her cuteness!

    You guys be careful now! :-)

  4. *GASP* Oh, the scare! And the pain! So glad that Miss K was alright, despite the obvious shock of falling in. Poor little thing. And poor momma with the hurt toe! Ouch!

  5. oh my goodnesss!! Poor little girl fell in!! :( Hope you're toe gets better! Thanks for your comment on my blog. a couple friends have asked if they could share the link on FB or their blog...feel free to do that if you like! :)

  6. Hey girl! I've been loving all of your posts. So sorry you have had sick kids and poor baby girl falling in the water! I would hate to have to jump in after her for sure! Hope you guys are all doing well. Love you!
