Friday, November 10, 2017

KYF Senior Varsity Falcons

Long before Hurricane Harvey and Connor's 6th grade year began, his football team started practicing and conditioning for their final year of fall football together. The 6th graders were in the senior varsity division for Katy Youth Football, which is the last year to play before the boys join their junior high teams in Katy. Connor was pumped for the new year with his KYF Falcons team, although we all knew it wouldn't be the same without Jeff there as an assistant coach.

It wasn't long before the practices and hard work began to get super tough with the high heat and humidity in late summer / early fall. Many of Connor's peers had gotten so much bigger and stronger over the past year, and let's be honest -- it HURTS to get tackled and pushed around. Most of the team had been together for years, and it was their last chance to fight for the KYF championship. Connor started off the season a little shaky but ended up getting tons of playtime at starting guard and tackle and backup tight end.

Here were some of my favorite action shots of Connor, #90, throughout the season.

Connor and the KYF Falcons fought hard but in the end they fell short of their goal. It was tough to see their hopes dashed after that final game -- so many tears and emotions from these boys that left everything they had on that football field.

Overall it was a great season and the boys had a lot to be proud of, but in Connor's case, he wasn't sure he wanted to continue playing football down the road. Only time would tell. I'll never forget when Connor started his first season of flag football at 5 years old. My mother-in-law, Cheryl, was so excited for us for that upcoming season. "You're going to love it," she told me. "I remember those days so fondly. There is just nothing like that kid-sports community that really brings everyone together." I could've never guessed how right she was. We have made lifelong friends and learned so many incredible life lessons along the way.

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