Monday, January 26, 2009


I'm not sure why, but this afternoon/evening I've been feeling so down. I have been trying so hard to be positive about the baby and to give all my concerns to God, but sometimes the nagging worry just eats me up. So I know it was God's hand when I received such a special email from my friend Christa tonight. She forwarded me an account of one of her friends who recently went through a very concerning time with their own baby girl, and after many, many tests indicating abnormalities with their unborn baby, she was born completely healed and healthy. I read the inspiring email and just burst into tears, because it was exactly what I needed to put me back in a positive frame of mind. Thanks so much, Christa!

I have an appointment with my ob/gyn on Wednesday morning to discuss the outcome of our ultrasound last Friday. I'm very much looking forward to hearing her perspective, because she is always very direct and honest with me. Hopefully I'll know a little more after that appointment about the course of action from this point forward with our baby girl. So stay tuned.

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