Monday, September 19, 2022

Kaitlynn Turns 13

We blinked and just like that, Kaitlynn was another year older! She turned 13 in mid-June, a few days after she celebrated with her friends, meaning that our BABY was now a teenager! And she was definitely looking and acting the part these days - growing so much into a beautiful young woman right before our eyes!

On her actual birthday, we were busy with summer activities but managed to carve out some time to eat a birthday meal as a family and then gather around so that Kaitlynn could open her gifts. Just like any typical teenager, Kaitlynn was really into clothes this year and was excited to receive some of her favorites. But for her big gift, Jeff turned it into another game of hangman where she had to guess what it might be.

It didn't take her long to figure it out - it was a new air track, which is an at-home version of a long tumbling mat for her to practice her tumbling skills at home. She was so excited and wanted to set it up right away! Unfortunately, there was a mishap with setting it up and we ended up having to exchange it for another one. But once the air track arrived, she became quite competent at setting it up all by herself and really pushed herself to continue achieving her tumbling goals. So proud of our girl, and we can't wait to see what she accomplishes in this first year of her teens! :-)

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