Thursday, August 1, 2019

Kaitlynn's Basketball Tournament in Abu Dhabi

After only a single practice and one midweek tournament, Kaitlynn's Mini Falcons basketball team was headed to Abu Dhabi for a full day basketball tournament. How cool! The players were required to ride the team bus to the tournament, so Kaitlynn met up with her teammate Emily to board the fancy charter bus for the 1.5 hour ride to the tournament.

Jeff, Connor, and I drove separately to the tournament which was hosted by the American Community School of Abu Dhabi. It was neat to see another school's campus and facilities. The families and students arrived for warm-ups and then it was time for the games to begin. Each team played 4 games with a break in between for lunch.

We had so much fun watching the girls play! They ended up winning 3 of their 4 games, and Kaitlynn scored a total of 9 baskets for her team. It was funny watching her play defense as well, because she had her arms up and was in the face of her opponent throughout every game. Several of her opponents became quite frustrated with her constant presence. Overall, it was an incredible showing for her first ever basketball season as well as being the youngest player in the league.

After playing her heart out, she earned a nice nap on the drive back to Dubai. Such a cool experience for the entire family!

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