Monday, November 9, 2020

Random Updates

It's that time again - time for a collection of random photos and updates from the Courtright household during late summer and early fall 2020.

Amidst the chaos that has been present throughout the year of 2020, we have been more thankful than ever for our backyard paradise. I snapped a photo one evening of a particularly beautiful sunset. We sure do enjoy the view from our backyard!

On one random day at home, Jeff was outside managing his usual pool duties when he noticed an unlikely and surprising visitor inside the pool - a huge crawfish! Apparently, the crawfish was a MAMA and she had crawled up from the retention pond outside our gate and into our pool in order to deliver a ton of baby crawfish! If you zoom in on the photos, you might be able to see lots of little black specks in the deep end - hundreds and hundreds of babies! Crazy! Jeff ended up working for quite a while to rescue the crawfish - the Mama and her babies - and move them back to the pond. 

In other news, Collin moved to Oklahoma in July to begin a new chapter in his career. He is going back to school there to learn the trade of wind turbine maintenance. Every once in a while he will make the 9-hour drive back to the Houston area, and we always enjoy his visits when he's around.

On another weekend occasion, Connor and Kaitlynn welcomed a few friends over for some pizza, swimming, and video games during a day off from school. This was in stark contrast to another evening dining out with friends where the boys and girls made sure to keep their distance, ha!

Anyone who knows our family is aware of the constant battle between Jeff and the kids over adding a new member to the family - one of the furry variety. Connor and Kaitlynn are constantly trying to throw various arguments at Jeff in order to convince him to get a dog, but he continues to stand firm. Of course, he tends to get his puppy love tank filled in other ways. Between the daily morning cuddles from our neighbor dogs, Sadie and Sassy, along with our fur-babysitting duties with Duke, we all get no shortage of puppy love!

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