Thursday, November 12, 2020

Connor's Nose

Years ago, when Connor broke his nose and had corrective surgery to repair it, the plastic surgeon at the time told us that Connor would eventually need another surgery in the future - likely around age 14 - as he grew and his facial structure changed. Sure enough, now that he's 14 we have noticed additional issues related to Connor's breathing. With ongoing nosebleeds and recent teeth changes, a routine x-ray at the dentist confirmed that he has a significant deviated septum. The change in his nasal structure from last summer to this summer was noticeable and concerning.  (That line down the middle of his nose is supposed to be straight!)

We followed up with a local Ear Nose Throat (ENT) doctor and she confirmed that Connor will eventually need another corrective surgery to fix his deviated septum and related sinus/nasal issues. As fast as Connor is growing these days, we are opting to hold off for a few more years to make sure he is completely finished growing before taking the surgical step. None of us is looking forward to THAT!

In the meantime, he struggles more than most by getting more frequent sinus infections and working harder to breathe through them. During one recent occasion, I was at least impressed by his creative solution for dealing with a leaky nose while taking a quick nap on the couch, ha!

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