Monday, December 2, 2019

Back to School Dance and Boys' Night Out

Connor didn't have a "Meet the Teacher" event to kick off his 8th grade year, but he did have a scheduled day to show up on campus, pick up his schedule, and find all of his classrooms. I didn't manage to take any pictures that day, but it was quite the reunion of sorts with all of his former friends and classmates (and their parents) that we hadn't seen or talked to since we left for Dubai almost 2 years prior. He was definitely feeling some nerves but overall was excited to be back at WoodCreek.

Later that day, the junior high school was hosting a Back to School Dance on campus. We learned from several fellow classmates that this dance was "lame" for the 8th graders, but I encouraged Connor to gather some buddies and attend together. I offered to pick them up early and take them to Altitude followed by Freddy's for a small back-to-school rally of sorts. Jeff and Kaitlynn joined us as well in a separate vehicle, because we managed to pack my SUV with Connor's buddies, old and new. They ended up having such a fun night together and I really enjoyed getting to see the friendships in action again. I was hopeful that Connor felt like he had established a good support system of friends to welcome him back to his former school.

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