Monday, December 31, 2018

Fall Parent Conferences and Days off from School

Each fall, the kids at American School of Dubai (ASD) are given two full days off from school while the teachers host conferences for the parents. The students are asked to participate in these conferences, and it's a great opportunity for all to reflect on their learning to date.

The middle school hosted conferences first. Connor was SO pumped to have two days away from school. Leading up to the conference date, he and the other middle schoolers prepared several topics to discuss with their parents, such as learning goals, service goals, and role models. Connor and I attended the first day of conferences and managed to sit down with all 8 of his teachers. Most gave glowing reports and recognized that Connor was seen as a strong student and leader in the classroom. It's always nice to hear the positive feedback when sometimes we tend to focus on the negative at home.

The following week, the elementary school hosted their "dreams" conferences with parents, teachers, and students. The purpose of the conference was for the student to share with parents about a specific goal they hope to achieve throughout the school year and the steps they will take to achieve it. Kaitlynn's goal was to gain confidence by singing in front of others. I was a little confused by the format of the conference and by Kaitlynn's chosen goal (considering she has performed a solo in front of her student population on two prior occasions) but I'm all about promoting confidence in our young lady at home. We agreed on some steps she could take to get over her shyness, and then Kaitlynn enjoyed the cookie/cupcake bar set up by her teacher, Ms. Wiltgen, for all of the students to enjoy during the conference. Such a cute idea!

We had several UAE holidays this fall that aren't typical of days off that we get back home in Texas. We also had a day off for the prophet's birthday, a Muslim holiday, as well as another day for Thanksgiving and two days off for the UAE National day (anniversary of the birth of UAE as a country). It's an adjustment to learn the holiday schedule here versus what we were used to before in the US, but no matter what the occasion, the kids are always happy to take advantage of the days off from school. Usually we spend those days surrounded by other friends.

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