Friday, June 15, 2007

No More Bah-Bah

Dr. Pope told us at your 1-year checkup that you needed to be off your bottles and formula by 15 months. Well, by that time, you LOVED your bottles and you were a pro at saying “bah bah” as soon as you spotted your bottle or if you ever wanted one.

My first task was to switch you from formula to whole milk. I did this gradually by mixing them in your bottles. After a few weeks, maybe a month, you were on 100% whole milk and you even drank it straight from the fridge.

In mid-June (you were approx. 14 months old) we decided to attempt the switch to the sippy cup. By then, you were drinking other liquids out of the sippy cup, but not your milk. Dr. Pope had warned us that you would probably resist but that we should go “cold turkey” and you would drink it when you got thirsty enough.

So we sent you to daycare without your bottles and started the process. Sure enough, you refused to drink your milk. By the time I picked you up that evening, you were MAD about the whole thing! When I tried to give you the sippy cup of milk that night before bedtime, you lost it. You screamed and cried, the whole time saying “Bah Bah!” with a pitiful look on your face. But we wouldn’t give in.

Over the next couple of days, you started taking your sippy cup every once in a while. But each time, you wanted to let us know that you mad about it! Many times you would take the sippy cup and forcefully throw it down, but eventually you would yank it back and start drinking. It’s almost like I could hear your thoughts, “Fine! I’ll take the sippy cup, but I am NOT happy about it!”

It took you a good 2-3 weeks before you were willing to consistently take your milk in a sippy cup. Even 1-2 weeks after we first made the switch, you were still crying and whining about it. Poor little guy, you just hate change so much.

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