Monday, May 15, 2006

Big Boy!

One of the most noticeable traits that you showed early on was your affinity for formula and Mommy’s milk! Boy, did you love it. Probably from your third or fourth day of life, you were on 100% breast milk and you plumped up so fast. You were probably the only baby I’d heard of that actually gained weight before we even left the hospital (8 lbs., 6 oz. at birth and 8 lbs., 9 oz. when we left the hospital) and your weight steadily increased from there. I learned after having you that most people adore plump babies, especially ones like you that had such bulging cheeks!

The doctor and nurse that checked you at your Well Baby visits were always amazed at your growth and weight each time we visited. You were always in the very top percentile of growth, and at one point you actually went off the chart in weight. It became a joke about how plump you were becoming, but your Dad and I were so pleased because you were breastfed and healthy.

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