Monday, March 13, 2023

Nighthawks Milestones

I feel like a broken record when I use the phrase "as if Kaitlynn wasn't busy enough...". During the fall season, it seemed like she was participating in a different sport and activity every night of the week! Amidst the chaos of volleyball and school cheer and preparing for her upcoming basketball season, Kaitlynn was also dedicating several days of practice a week to her Nighthawks competitive cheer team and tumbling lessons. As the Nighthawks geared up for competition season, the gym invited parents to sit in on milestone practices every few weeks to watch the team build their performance from start to finish. At this point in the season, Kaitlynn was still getting to know her teammates but was so excited to be on a team with a history of winning the BIG competitions year after year.

Often when I'm watching competitive cheer teams compete, I don't always know what to look for and how to judge when a performance is good versus great. This was our 3rd year in competitive cheer, so I was still learning but definitely had come a long way. While watching Kaitlynn's milestone practices, it was evident that the Nighthawks hadn't hit their stride yet as a team. There were some falls and blunders as they learned their challenging routine and worked hard to "hit zero" in their full-outs -- which means, performing the routine start to finish without any mistakes. Despite their lackluster milestones, Kaitlynn was confident that she was on the right team with a super creative and difficult routine and dedicated coaches. She was really excited to enter competition season and show the crowd and judges what these athletes were made of. Let's go, Nighthawks!

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