Thursday, August 4, 2022


Amidst our hectic spring schedule of sports and activities, there were times when I would glance up and feel like I could barely recognize my own kids. They were growing up and changing so much right before our eyes, to the point where I might glance over at them and do a double take at how mature they'd become - seemingly overnight. 

Throughout the spring, they always seemed to be going in opposite directions with very little time to spend at home together or even out supporting one another in their various activities. It was a rare occasion when their schedules aligned and even more special when they could hang out together and actually get along for a certain amount of time, ha! 

They've been at that age where they cuddle with each other one second and then fight and scream at each other the next. In other words, they are typical siblings! There are occasional times where I catch a glimpse of them together and marvel at how much they still favor one another in appearance and expressions.

Lately, Kaitlynn is enjoying the perks of having an older sibling who can drive her around for fast food, while Connor likes to let his guard down and embrace his silly side with his sister around.

But one of my favorite parts of watching these siblings together is when they support one another and cheer each other on during their many activities, bonding over their accomplishments (and struggles) while also managing some healthy competition along the way. Love these two and so thankful for their close sibling bond!

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