Thursday, September 10, 2020

Summer Days at Home

Our summer days have been quite slow and boring compared to previous years, but we all tried to make the best out of it. Connor ended up taking 2 summer school classes online to pass the time, so we found ourselves "working" at home most days.

Speaking of work, I received a fun surprise in the form of "thank you" brownies after many long days and nights of project support for one of the clients I've been supporting. So nice!

During those long hours of work, I was once surprised in another totally random way by Jeff. He wanted to show off his newfound discovery of one of the recent fashion trends he'd noticed - the "front tuck." I laughed so hard at this one!

Jeff spent most days of his summer in and around the backyard playing gardener and pool boy. He loves to remind people to never assume that caring for a pool is easy. It's a trick - don't fall for it!

Despite the never-ending list of household projects, Jeff is loving his retired lifestyle. His favorite part is enjoying lunch or a game of golf with Collin or Kevin when they're around.

Of course, he also loves the extra time with the kiddos at home, especially any chance he can get for a movie night snuggling with Kaitlynn on the couch.

Meanwhile, Connor coupled his studies with ongoing workouts and strength training offered at the high school. He also participated in additional velocity training with his baseball team. Who knew that swinging an ax and flipping old tires could improve his pitching performance? Ha!

What better way to recover from workouts and soak in the summer fun than enjoying a special treat every now and then? Throughout the summer, our neighborhood hosted many different food truck events and social gatherings. The favorite by far was the Hurts Donut truck - everyone has an occasional donut emergency, right?!

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