Thursday, May 30, 2019

Courtrights Explore Singapore

While Connor was playing some of his games, Collin and Kevin took some time to explore some of the sights of the city that the rest of us had been able to visit last summer. Once the tournament was over, the baseball fun may have ended but we still had another day or two to explore the great city-state of Singapore as a family.

We heard about this Mexican food place called Senior Taco that some of the baseball families had been raving about. It was in a fun area full of restaurants and night life, and we can never pass up the opportunity for yummy Mexican food. We enjoyed our dinner with the family and some fellow baseball friends but nothing ever beats our beloved Tex Mex, especially with the sticker shock of $250 (have I mentioned how expensive Singapore is??)!

After dinner, the kids walked over to this Virtual Reality place that was a part of the lively scene in the area. They both put on their VR goggles and played the game along with Connor's friend, Kiyan. Turns out that Connor was the high scorer of the night.

Getting out and about around Singapore is super easy with the taxis and ride share services. Our favorite rides were those where we could stretch out. We had a short time to explore some of the Singapore markets and street food, and we made sure to take full advantage.

It was really neat to explore as a family, but we were most excited to head out on the next leg of our trip. But first, we had to clean out the hotel fridge (ICE CREAM for breakfast, ha!) and call a family ride share to the airport. We had our own personal family bus! Why do the kids always want to sit in the back? Troublemakers!

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