Friday, April 12, 2024

Fall Updates

With the fall season well underway, it's time for a random collection of photos and updates from the Courtright household.

Although Kaitlynn was nervous to start high school, she was off to a strong start with her new classes and friend groups. She was invited to celebrate Alyssa's 15th birthday at City Centre for shopping and food - the perfect combination of activities for teen girls!

I guess adult girls are really not much different from teens, because we love to combine shopping and food for our birthdays, too! Michelle, Julie, and I always enjoy our girl time when we get together to celebrate one another's birthdays - Michelle's in late August and Julie's in November.

In Kaitlynn's freshman year and Connor's senior year, their favorite classes quickly emerged. For Connor, it was his second year of the PALs program at Katy (peer assistance and leadership program) where he volunteers as a peer mentor at local elementary schools. For Kaitlynn, it was her first year in the collaborative PE program as a peer helper with the special education kiddos in the high school. She LOVES this group of kids and has developed sweet friendships with many of them since 8th grade. Kaitlynn was also trying another new program this year - FFA - and we began learning a lot about the vast FFA opportunities with the monthly meetings.

As for Jeff, he continues to do remote contract work from home for his former Dubai company. When he's not working, he has been spending a ton of time on the golf course and even decided to join a golf club in Cypress with his buddies. When he's not golfing in Cypress, he joins a Katy friend Scott for some golf in our area.

While Jeff and Connor's favorite pastime involves clubs and a set of golf clubs, Kevin's hobby takes him to a racetrack with an expensive set of tires every now and then. Kevin and his buddies have really gotten into drifting and they can usually be found at various drifting events all over Texas. We visited Kevin during one of the Houston drifting events and Jeff was able to take a couple of rides. Kaitlynn and I are still working up the courage to ride along, but Kevin has carved out quite the role for himself, even winning recognition (and lots of cash!) for his ride-alongs. Pretty cool (but expensive) hobby!

In October, Kaitlynn and I attended the NCL fall fashion show, where the senior girls present a performance of fashion from their years in school. Even though we've been to many of these fashion shows, it seemed to feel surreal this time knowing that these senior girls were Connor's peers in his graduating class. For the first time, Kaitlynn and I realized how fast the years go by - it will feel like no time at all has passed before Kaitlynn will be on that runway during her senior year in 2026-2027!

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