Thursday, April 18, 2024

Kaitlynn's Freshman Homecoming Dance

As Connor was tending to his date, Kaitlynn was getting ready for her very first high school Homecoming dance. She was so excited to join a small group of girlfriends, and they all met at our house for snacks and drinks while they finished getting ready together. She seemed to have a great time and looked so beautiful for the fun night ahead!

I stayed behind at our house to tend to Connor and Daniella while Kaitlynn, her friends, and some of the Moms took the girls to a nearby park for some Homecoming photos. I was so thankful for the pics they sent - these young women looked so beautiful and really enjoyed the experience together. Just still so hard to believe that our BABY was attending her first high school Homecoming!

Although they had completely different plans, my ONE request for the night was for Connor and Kaitlynn to get a photo together at the Homecoming dance. I didn't realize it would be such a difficult request. Between Connor's group plans running late and taking them far away from the dance, and Kaitlynn feeling SO overwhelmed by the massive crowd and noise at the event, it was hard for them to connect for a photo. Finally, they found each other and snapped a selfie for Mom. This is all I could get but I'll take it! Their one and only time to attend Homecoming together - so special! And I have no clue how we got here - they were JUST babies not that long ago! Sniff sniff.

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