Thursday, April 29, 2010

Prayers from a 3-year-old

For a while now, Jeff and I have been encouraging Connor to say his prayers at bedtime. This usually consists of the following routine: Mom/Dad says a prayer first, Connor says a short prayer, we say The Lord's Prayer together, and then Connor says a final prayer. He is really getting more comfortable in his prayers, and I never tire of hearing his sweet voice talking to God. Here is just a sample of some of the prayers I've heard lately.

Dear God, thank you for this wonderful day. Please help Collin and Kevin, because they really need to study. Amen.

Dear Jesus, please help my Mom to get out of business, so that she can play the Memory game with me someday. Amen.

Dear Jesus, thank you for Benjamin, Timothy, Miss Julie, and Miss Harry
[yes, he said Miss], because Benjamin is my best friend, even if he sometimes is a little rough to me.

Dear God, thank you for another wonderful day. Please help my Mom to give me her iPhone, because I really want to play with it. Amen.

Dear God, please help my Dad to get his work done so he can come home to visit me. Amen.

Dear... Um, Mom, what kind of Father did you call Him? Oh yeah. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for such a nice day. Please help Kaitlynn to get better so she can stop giving me her germs. Amen.


  1. That is just so sweet. I love how the minds of innocent children work. I hope he gets to play the memory game and gets to use your iphone! :-)

  2. Sooooo sweet! I love the iPhone prayer. hee hee.

  3. Oh that is so sweet. I love that you guys are teaching him to pray. Sooooo sweet and straight from the heart. What a sweet memory to have.

  4. I'm way behind on my comments! I have kept up with your posts, but I've been so busy that I haven't been commenting like I'd like to! This post is the sweetest thing! I love Connor's prayers! I'm not happy that Benjamin is so "rough" with him - but hey, it's true!!! At least Connor is praying about it too! :-) These are such special moments - so glad you are blogging about it so that you will never forget the sweet comments!
