Thursday, April 21, 2022

Holiday Fun

The hustle and bustle of the busy Christmas season was in full swing in the Courtright household. Here is a collection of photos and updates from some of our holiday fun.

In mid-December, I took a quick trip to the Dallas area to join my colleagues in a celebratory Christmas lunch and gift exchange at a local restaurant called Roots. It was a packed house and I had a great time seeing many of the ladies I work with in person for the first time in months. Our owner and founder, Dana, also took the time to recognize many of us who had participated in the Hyperdrive vaccine project with our client, McKesson. It was the highlight of the year for our firm, and it felt really nice to be recognized for our achievements as a firm in such a monumental and high-profile effort across the country.

One of my favorite activities during the holidays is spending time with my girl. She has reached the age where she really enjoys shopping for others, and I've been happy for her participation in our Christmas gift-giving. She has become the perfect holiday shopping buddy and I couldn't resist snapping a pic during one such outing.

Kaitlynn's junior high cheer squad held an ugly sweater Christmas party at a local craft and paint shop where each girl was able to choose and create a unique craft project to take home. Jeff and I were at one of Connor's games during the event, and Kaitlynn ended up getting a ride with a teammate. Needless to say, I was horrified to see that Kaitlynn had chosen to wear her sweaty PE clothes to this holiday party where every other attendee had dressed up with Christmas clothes, hair, and makeup. Really, Kaitlynn?? That girl, ha!

And just because it was Christmas break didn't mean that Kaitlynn's hard work on Phantom would take a break. She continued her team practices and even attended additional elite stunt group practices to make sure they didn't fall behind during the holiday period.

Nothing says Christmas around our house like when Jeff gets out the Christmas tree and decorations to help get us all in the mood. Thank goodness for him, because everyone knows it would never get done if it were up to me. Bah humbug! Ha!

While our house isn't nearly as decorated as some, we still get to enjoy plenty of Christmas joy in our neighborhood. Thank goodness for amazing neighbors who host the kids in Christmas cookie decorating and other fun activities. 

One of Connor's fun activities during the holidays was exchanging Christmas gifts with his girlfriend, Marie. He gave her a comfy hooded sweatshirt (apparently it's all the rage with the teens these days to exchange hoodies with your date!) and a stuffed animal that she had been wanting. As for her gift for Connor, she gave him a hand-painted indoor over-the-door basketball backboard with the logo of one of his favorite snacks, Cheez-Its. It was an incredible gift of her artistic talents that we are still raving over!

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