Thursday, December 9, 2021

Cheering for Back to School

Before we knew it, the hectic schedule of back-to-school time was upon us. For Kaitlynn, this meant an abundance of activities for her new role as 7th grade cheerleader. In addition to her scheduled practices, she and her squad participated in numerous activities as the junior high school prepared to welcome back students for the new school year. First up, the cheerleaders were invited to perform at a "welcome back" pep rally for the teachers. While Kaitlynn donned her new uniform, I was excited to attend and wear my "Cheer Mom" shirt for the first time.

The cheerleaders performed well and were excited to experience the perks of student leadership, such as welcoming their fellow students back to school and attending a special luncheon with the school administration. They all looked the part, and Kaitlynn was really enjoying the extra time with her new cheer friends.

With the daytime activities completed, it was soon time for the back-to-school dance for all the junior high kids. I snapped a quick photo as Kaitlynn exited the car and confidently walked into the school to join her friends. I felt immediately transported back in time to the time when I had done the same for Connor years back. How is it that these kids keep growing so fast? My emotions can't seem to keep up!

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