Thursday, December 19, 2019

First Junior High Football Game

As Connor began his 8th grade year, he was adamant that he did NOT want to participate in junior high football. His final year of Katy Youth Football with his 6th grade Falcons team really did a number on him, and unfortunately he had truly lost his love of playing the game. I knew, however, that the football program through his school would be run very differently and would not have the negative impact on him the way that the KYF recreational league had. Despite his many protests, I told Connor that I wanted him to play school football this year to try it out, and then he could decide whether he wanted to participate in future years. He was NOT happy with me, but he begrudgingly went along with it.

The only benefit of being on the football team for Connor was that many of his friends were also playing. A select group of these friends had started a great tradition the previous year where they would meet up in their game day dress clothes (collared shirts with ties and dress pants, yay!) for a group breakfast prior to school on the day of their first game. The boys had fun but the Moms may have enjoyed it more. What a rare opportunity to see our handsome young men all dressed up! Love these boys and their Mamas!

Later that evening, we were so excited to see Connor and his teammates play their first game at none other than Katy High School. Connor was on the B team playing quick guard and some other position that I still don't understand. What we noticed right away is that besides the special teams plays, Connor wasn't subbed out for the entire game. It was hard to spot him at times but his red cleats helped us see him, especially when he was positioned at the end of the defensive line.

Connor played tough, but admittedly he just didn't enjoy playing. Despite his height, Connor still managed to get pushed and thrown around on many plays. That's just not his idea of fun! Throughout the season he definitely improved and made some great plays, but he never managed to say any positive things about his participation in junior high football.

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