Monday, August 26, 2019

Wrapping up the Basketball Season

Before we knew it, Kaitlynn's last basketball tournament for the ASD Mini Falcons was upon us. It was held after school on one of her last days to attend, and we were so thankful that she would be able to complete her season before our big move. Jeff and I cheered on our little defensive beast. It was so fun to watch her do her thing!

It was a fast and furious season but the perfect introduction for a new sport for our girl. She played hard, made new friends, and really developed a love for the game.

One thing that I think I'll always remember about Kaitlynn's last basketball tournament is this: as we were leaving the ASD gym, I was telling Kaitlynn how proud I was of her for trying a new sport and giving it her all on the court. As we walked down the sidewalk and toward the car, Kaitlynn began telling me that she was sad it was all over. I assumed she meant her basketball season. Suddenly, she burst into tears, saying how much she was going to miss her school and all of her friends there. It was a surprising and unexpected show of emotion seemingly out of the blue, but no doubt those feelings had been hovering under the surface for quite some time. Amidst the chaos and busyness of moving and planning and nonstop activities, there was still the hard realization that our time in Dubai and at ASD was quickly coming to an end. Kaitlynn felt it strongly that evening, and I just held her as she cried and cried. It seemed that our last night of ASD basketball was symbolic of so many other "lasts" to come.

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