It has been a BIG month in the Courtright household. The baby of our family is now officially a Preschool Graduate!
Kaitlynn's official preschool graduation photo. |
Is it just me, or does this strike anyone else as TOO SOON?? We've had such a busy May that the big day completely snuck up on me. One day the school sent home these graduation photos and it just hit me that it was coming up.
When we woke up on graduation day, Kaitlynn wanted to make sure she wore a beautiful dress that twirled. Every dress in her closet is judged on the twirl factor. I made sure to take her picture on graduation morning. I think she looks like such a big girl. Sniff sniff. Oh and her "accessories" are all her own doing. They matched perfectly, ha!
The twirl-worthy graduation dress and selected accessories. |
This girl, love her! |
Since this was our first year at His Kids Preschool, I didn't know what to expect with their graduation ceremony and activities. When the big day arrived, Kaitlynn and I were impressed by the stage setup in the auditorium. Such a cute theme!
The graduation stage with circus theme. |
When it was time for the ceremony to begin, I snuck outside and got a quick picture of my little graduate. She was all lined up with her class and SO excited!
Lined up in her cap and gown. |
When it was time for the ceremony, the kids all walked in to the graduation song. So cute! Then they lined up on stage to perform some songs for the parents. After their performance, we watched a slideshow of all of the children. When I saw Kaitlynn's name up there with some pictures from when she was a baby/toddler, I *may* have gotten a little emotional.
Kaitlynn's toddler pic in the slideshow. |
After the slideshow, it was time for the kids to walk across the stage. One by one, the preschool director called the children's name and they walked the stage to receive their diploma. I caught the tail end of Kaitlynn walking across the stage but not when they called her name. She was such a big girl!
After all of the children received their diploma, it was time for a celebration of cake and punch! But not before we made Kaitlynn sit through a few more photos. ;-)
Proud parents with the little graduate. |
Kaitlynn and her Sweet Daddy. |
Grainy iPhone picture with my girl, love her! |
At the graduation reception, the kiddos got cupcakes and clown noses, ha! |
The preschool graduates had such a great time celebrating their big accomplishment! We were impressed with the ceremony and all of the great work by the teachers, too. When I think back to our last-minute registration for pre-K and how Kaitlynn got the LAST spot available in her class, I just know that God's hand was guiding us all along to His Kids Preschool and that this was where Kaitlynn was meant to be for her last year of preschool!
End of school party in her classroom. |
Kaitlynn has learned and has grown leaps and bounds during her 4th year. She is not quite 5, but she is reading 50+ sight words, writing on her own, and showing incredible improvements in her listening and behavior in a classroom setting.
End of school picture of Kaitlynn's pre-K class. |
We are SO proud of Kaitlynn's accomplishments in pre-K! And after MUCH thought and consideration, Jeff and I have decided to let Kaitlynn try her hand at Kindergarten this fall. She'll be one of the youngest kids in her class, but she seems to have the personality that will rise to the challenges that she is presented.
For now, we're enjoying some much-deserved time off with our Little Graduate. Congratulations on graduating from preschool, Kaitlynn! Watch out Kindergarten, here she comes!
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