Monday, October 4, 2010


They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. So here goes...

Hi. My name is Lauri. And I'm an addict. Specifically, a "shoes for my daughter" addict.

It started earlier this year when Kaitlynn first began walking and wearing shoes. I bought her a single pair of pink sandals and she wore them with every single outfit, even when they totally clashed. I didn't realize how much that bothered me. I felt bad for her; she needed shoes to match her outfits!

So, I bought a pair of white sandals. MUCH better for her church dresses. And of course she needed some water shoes. It is Houston after all. Then, I began anticipating the cooler weather. I bought her a nice pair of black shoes that she could wear with or without socks/tights. I quickly realized that black only goes with half of her fall/winter outfits. So I found a pair of brown shoes. Then I remembered that I had purchased a few pairs of shoes last year when I found them at a local resale shop. Turns out there were 4 pairs in the closet just waiting to be worn with the perfect outfit. And don't even get me started on boots. I am completely obsessed with boots for little girls. Finally, I decided that all of those shoes just weren't enough. Kaitlynn needed tennis shoes. Pink. With lights.

Does it matter that I only paid full price for 1 of the pairs of shoes? And that all the other shoes were less than $5 a pair since I bought them used or on sale? No, it probably doesn't. Because 10 pairs of shoes for a 1-year-old is just plain, well, ridiculous. I counted my shoes and I certainly don't have that many. And even if I did, at least they would all fit my feet indefinitely, whereas any shoes for Kaitlynn will only fit her for 6 months (if I'm lucky).

So I'm hoping that my little admission here will allow me to face the fact that I have a problem. If my confession doesn't work, I'm sure my husband will be able to help, ha! Either way, let's just hope I can get it under control soon, before a certain someone else adopts my bad habit.


  1. Oh girl, you are too funny! I guess of all the things there are to be addicted to, shoes for your daughter isn't too bad, haha!

    I love her collection so far. And let me just add, when she out grows them you can safely pack them in a bag and send them up this way. Sarah would love to take advantage of your addiction! :)
    Sweet Kaitlynn is one stylin' Courtright girl!

  2. OMG - I LOVE it! Makes me thankful to not have a girl because I know I would want to do the same. I went to a neighborhood garage sale this weekend and there were tons of girl shoes everywhere but NO boy shoes. It's just not as much fun to buy boy shoes I guess. Jackson usually has 1-2 pairs of shoes per season. Play shoes and church shoes.

  3. LOVE that last photo! hee hee

    Just wait until those shoes are WAY more than $5! And, she WILL want them! LOL!

  4. I can't believe you found all but one of those pairs of shoes for less than $5! I would have snatched them up, too! Girl shoes are definitely cuter than boy shoes. When I find used boy shoes, most of them are worn and tattered and not even worth the money. I would almost always rather buy new. Which is why Alex only gets one or two pair per season! Ha!
