Thursday, May 9, 2024

Courtright Family Christmas

Back home in Katy, it was time for our Courtright family Christmas celebration. We usually have to wait a day or two for Collin and Kevin to join us, but this year, Collin wasn't going to be able to visit until the following week. We ended up celebrating our family Christmas with Kevin and then held a mini-celebration with Collin when he arrived in town. 

First up, we all opened our stockings to see what goodies were all crammed inside, all while enjoying pigs in a blanket (a.k.a. piggies) and awesome rolls for breakfast. This is usually our favorite part of Christmas! Jeff was still laid up with limited mobility, so he had his stocking delivered to the ottoman across the room, ha!

After stockings were opened, we moved on to the wrapped gift portion of our Christmas. Last year, I started a new tradition of numbering the gifts instead of writing the recipients name on them. Then, I ask the kids and Jeff to figure out which gifts go to which person. It sounds confusing, but there is a number pattern to the gifting and they have to work together to figure it out. Last year it took them a few minutes, but this year, well they were quite stumped. They walked around, held and shook the packages, and brainstormed various formulas for quite a while. In the end, it was one particular gift box that held the key to the entire puzzle. Connor figured out which gift was his based on the box size, and then Kevin put together the formula to solve the number sequence. It was great teamwork and really fun for ME to watch them struggle through it! It might just be my new favorite Christmas tradition!

We all found ourselves on the Nice list for another wonderful Christmas! A week later, Collin was able to visit and we all watched him open his stocking and gifts by himself. Merry Christmas to all!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Morgan Family Christmas 2023

When Christmas finally rolled around, we were ready and excited to celebrate Christmas with the extended Morgan family. We love spending time together and there's never any shortage of fun and craziness with this crew! This year, we had a full day planned with the entire family. First up, we all headed to the church building for our extended family brunch and gift exchange at the youth building called the Hub. It's the perfect spot for everyone to spread out, enjoy a yummy meal, and play games as we all hung out. This year, we had a cousin funny phone case gift exchange, a gag gift exchange, a guy/girl gift exchange, and our annual EPIC game of Left/Right/Center. It was a blast!

Back home, I managed to snap some pics of Kaitlynn in the beautiful outdoor lighting. And then I went inside and found Meme cuddling with Rip, so I couldn't help but snap their pics too. Too cute!

After another round of snacks and treats enjoyed at home, it was time for more gift exchanges, this time across the families as well as Meme and Granddaddy gifts. It was another successful Christmas for everyone, and to celebrate the end of the night, the cousins all left to go enjoy a Christmas Eve dinner at Whataburger. It was the perfect end to a super fun Morgan family Christmas!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Texas Academic Decathlon - District Competition

While Kaitlynn and I were at the Encore Championship competition, Connor was participating in his first ever competition for Texas Academic Decathlon. This was the culmination of MONTHS of hard work and studying as he studied thousands of pages of material across multiple subjects in preparation for this difficult competition. For those that aren't aware, Academic Decathlon is a UIL event where students essentially take tests for sport. The subjects include Literature, Essay, Math, Economics, Art History, Social Studies, and Music, and additional events include Speech and Interview. Connor spent probably 20-30 hours per week learning the material, taking practice tests, and studying for hours on end, week after week, month after month. For a while, we wondered what he had gotten himself into - it just seemed so intense without an end in sight. But Connor had set lofty goals for himself and never lost sight of those goals along the way. 

When it was time for the Katy ISD district decathlon meet, Connor was nervous but fully prepared and confident. Sure enough, when it was time to announce the winners of the individual awards, Connor swept the contest! In the Honors division - which is the top division based on each student's GPA - Connor earned a ribbon or medal in every single category. His outstanding performance cemented him as the 1st place winner with the highest score of the entire meet, wow! He not only walked away with the first place trophy, but he and his teammates helped their school earn first place overall in the district. Wow, such an incredible showing for these hardworking kiddos, and it was especially exciting to see Connor's hard work pay off in such a big way! Jeff and I were beyond proud of Connor for setting a goal, persevering through the difficult months of preparation, and then seeing the positive outcome in the end. So proud of his amazing achievement in AcaDec, and now it would be on to the Regional meet next!

Monday, May 6, 2024

Courtright Household Infirmary

After Connor's great showing at the district Academic Decathlon meet, it was time for him to deal with an uncomfortable chore we'd been putting off for years. As a result of Connor's broken nose and subsequent surgery back in elementary school, Connor had a debilitating deviated septum that required surgery to fix. It was difficult to schedule the surgery with his busy schedule, but we decided to knock it out as soon as he was out for winter break. When the day came, we all dreaded it but none more than him. He was not looking forward to the painful recovery but knew he needed to get this done. On the day of the surgery, we waited for HOURS for Connor to get called back. We were hungry and miserable, just wanting to get it over with!

Finally, it was time for Connor to go to the operating room. I waited not-so-patiently for the update that Connor was out of surgery, which seemed to take an eternity. When it was time, the nurses said everything went smoothly but Connor was having a hard time waking up. I remembered this from his prior surgeries - he doesn't too great on the anesthesia. This time was no exception. Not only did he have trouble waking up, he also broke out in hives all over his body - on and off for a couple hours or so after the procedure. The nurses monitored him and eventually felt that it was some type of reaction from the anesthesia, but he seemed ok and we were cleared to go home. On the ride home, I noticed the hives all over his face and neck again, but they went away as quickly as they arrived. Bizarre! Connor made it home and into his "recovery suite" (the guest room, haha) where he planned to spend the next few days sleeping and relaxing.

As if Connor's surgery wasn't enough for the Courtright household to manage, Jeff decided to schedule his own surgery for the very next day. After years of dealing with painful plantar fasciitis, Jeff's quality of life was really taking a hit and he realized that he needed the surgical repair to be able to get back to his normal activity level. So, with Connor recovering at home, I drove Jeff for his foot surgery and prepared to get him set up at our newly minted Courtright household infirmary, ha! 

Jeff's surgery went well and we were headed home in no time. But his recovery was going to be much tougher than Connor's, because Jeff was told he couldn't bear ANY weight on the foot for at least 2 weeks, which meant he couldn't drive or do anything active like he was used to. Anyone who knows Jeff would understand how difficult that would be for him, especially as we entered the 2 week period before Christmas. It was going to be a long road - for both of us!

As the recoveries progressed at home, Connor was feeling better day by day. When we went for his post-op checkup, we realized that the doctor would be removing splints from Connor's nose. I honestly had NO idea about the splints - I felt that the post-surgical instructions were minimal and confusing. So when the doctor pulled out these finger-sized splints from Connor's nose, we were both shocked! Immediately Connor felt so much better and could begin to breathe normally.

As for Jeff, the Christmas holiday was super frustrating for him being laid up and unable to drive or do anything on his own. He drove the rest of us crazy, seemingly doing too much too soon, when we all wanted him to be patient to achieve a full recovery. After Christmas, we were able to visit the surgeon and finally get the all clear for Jeff to slowly begin walking again. Praise the Lord! He was already feeling so much better and couldn't wait to return to normal activities in the coming weeks.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Encore Championship

Right on the heels of Spirit Celebration and the start of Winter Break, the Nighthawks were back in action. To kick off the Christmas season, the team had a super fun pajama party right before their next competition. They were surprised and excited when their coaches showed up to celebrate with them!

The next morning, it was back to work as the Nighthawks took the stage for their Encore Championship in downtown Houston. They looked amazing and had so much fun with their alien-themed routine. Afterwards, the girls found out that one of their special buddies from school, Avery, was also competing and they made sure to snap a photo together. Such a fun cheer community!

The girls and parents alike were optimistic on Day 2 to bring home a victory. Sure enough, they performed amazing and brought home their first win of the season and their championship jacket! Even better than that, they scored high enough to earn an At Large bid for their Summit competition in Orlando in May. Great job, girls!! 

At their bid reveal party, the girls were gifted alien ears to wear for their trip to Summit at the Disneyworld resort in May. What a great feeling to have earned that bid so early in the season! Let's go, Nighthawks!!

After the competition, I was able to download the professional photos of the team and Kaitlynn. It's always fun to look through these and find their funny expressions or nitpick their body positions, ha!